Efter en lång väntan och mycket oro och pengar så fick jag äntligen svar inatt på blodgrupps testet. Det visade sig att Yuki har en så ovanlig kombination att man inte kan få ett definitivt svar. Blodprovet visar B men DNA testet verkar peka på N/b (att hon bara bär B) så enligt dem ska jag behandla henne som en B hona.
Jag ska få tillbaka pengarna för testet men det gör inte resultatet bättre. Det är i alla fall över nu. Nu är det väl dags att ringa veterinären och höra om kastrering. Så här stod det i mailet (dam=mamma, sire=pappa):
"Our best interpretation of the serology and DNA results is that the dam could carry a rare allele - which we will call r – which would make her A/r genetically; her serotype would be A. As this r allele cannot be detected by the DNA test, her DNA result shows as N/N. The sire is N/b with A serotype. The rare allele r is recessive to the b allele, thus a cat with genetics of b/r has a B serotype, as we see with the offspring which inherited b from the sire and r from the dam. This is consistent with all results for serology and our DNA tests for the dam, offspring and sire.
There are a small number of cats in which the DNA results are not fully compatible with blood group serology. The DNA test is specific to detect presence/absence of the B blood group factor. What we report as “N” could be anything other than B, including factors that have yet to be described by means of serological tests. As we are unable to conclusively provide DNA results for ----------, we will refund your test fee. Still, we maintain our earlier recommendation that the prudent thing to do is to manage S*Mälarhöjdens Mynta as if she were a B queen."
There are a small number of cats in which the DNA results are not fully compatible with blood group serology. The DNA test is specific to detect presence/absence of the B blood group factor. What we report as “N” could be anything other than B, including factors that have yet to be described by means of serological tests. As we are unable to conclusively provide DNA results for ----------, we will refund your test fee. Still, we maintain our earlier recommendation that the prudent thing to do is to manage S*Mälarhöjdens Mynta as if she were a B queen."
Postat av: Papa
Hej, vad bra att du äntligen fick något svar överhuvudtaget. Jag började tappa hoppet faktiskt när det hade gått så långt. Men se som positivt, nu vet du i alla fall hur det ligger till. Nu vet du vad du måste göra.
Postat av: Julia och missarna
Tråkigt att det inte blir några avkommor på fina Yuki...
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